The Mailbox Adventures of Gerald and Tess!

Our library mascots, Gerald Giraffe and Tess T-Rex, have indicated that they are super excited for all of our young readers to come in for Summer Reading, but they’re feeling a bit left out of the Summer Vacation Adventures scene. Can you and your young adventure seekers help them out?

Mail Gerald and Tess a postcard from the road or a letter telling them about your vacation and summer activities! If you forget to mail cards during your trip or didn’t have a stamp handy, you can always drop your postcard or letter in their personal mailbox in the library yourself (located on the circulation desk across from the kids’ pagoda). One of the best parts of adventuring is sharing your story with others, so why not tell us about yours! They’d love to hear what you’re up to! Send post to:

Gerald and Tess

c/o Seneca Free Library

606 Main St.

Seneca, KS 66538

Check back on this page later and you just might find your story being shared with Gerald and Tess in fun and unique ways!


Director Kate discovered these notes to Gerald and Tess in their personal mailbox this morning. It’s their first official mailbox delivery so we were all quite excited. And, as a personal note, if you’ve never witnessed a plush giraffe blush, it’s quite the sight to see.